Carry out research that allows innovations in existing products and processes in Chemical Reactions, in order to offer technologies with properties according to the needs of the resin and paint market.


The R&D department is formed by highly specialized professionals in the development and manufacturing of several types’ solvent-based resins. It is also integrated by a product development team with vast experience in formulation and evaluation of coatings. In addition, there is a technical service team whose main objective is to provide personalized support to our customers.


Our laboratories are equipped with equipment and scientific infrastructure for the analysis of the various stages of product development, including: spectroscopic, chromatographic, thermal and mechanical characterization equipment. We also have specialized instruments for the evaluation of varnishes, paints, coatings, and parts made of fiberglass reinforced materials.

It is important to mention that the scientific infrastructure also include two pilot plants with reactors of different scales equipped with monitoring systems for various process parameters, ensuring the correct scaling of the different resins under development.


In order to offer products based on the latest resin technology, we have established alliances with research centers and higher education institutions, through which joint research, development, and innovation projects have been carried out. This has led to technologies to be patented by the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial IMPI, and to the development of specialized scientific in polyester resins.

It is important to point out that our company focuses on technological developments based on the synergy of knowledge and experience of our customers, suppliers and our own.

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